Running Coach

As a former runner for over 20 years and an accidental distance runner for several of those years, you can say I love running! Running was the love of my life, and just like a breakup it broke my heart when I got an injury that couldn’t have been prevented when it took me out from running. Even more it’s so satisfying when a person comes in and says “I’d love to be a runner but...”. It really is one step, one stride, one mile, one week at a time and before you know it you are running, you are a runner!!

I believe that everyone is an athlete. As an athlete at times we have a tendency to get overzealous. As your coach to teach you to be how proactive and preventative in your approach with your training plan and intentions. I will asses your running style, form, technique, gait, stride, cadence and footwear. We will work together to design the right training program for you, whether you are wanting to train for a race or wanting help becoming a recreational runner. Additionally, we will address hydration, brief nutrition, clothing, and tips + tricks.